A charity which supports limbless veterans (amputees or paralysis). They give practical advice and personal service – a member will come out to see the veteran needing assistance. They provide guidance and help.
01480 469216
blesma.orgBurma Star Association
The Burma Star Association exists to relieve need, hardship or distress among men and women who served in HM and Allied Forces or the Nursing Services in the Burma Campaign of the 1939-45 war or are otherwise entitled to be holders of the Burma Star or Pacific Star with Burma Clasp and for their widows, widowers or dependants.
Website Stress
Combat Stress is the UK’s leading veterans’ mental health charity. They treat a range of mental health conditions including PTSD, depression and anxiety. They also help with alcoholism.
08001 381619
Website for Heroes – Big White Wall
Free to all UK serving personnel, veterans and their families, Big White Wall is a safe online community of people who are anxious, down or not coping who support and help each other by sharing what’s troubling them, guided by trained professionals.
www.bigwhitewall.comHidden Wounds
A psychological well being service for veterans & families; part of help for heroes. Hidden Wounds provides free and confidential support to Ex-Service Personnel, their families and the families of those still serving, who are living with anxiety, depression, stress, anger or who wish to change their drinking habits.
08082 020144
The Ripple Pond
Peer-led, self-help groups meet regularly with the main aim of providing a space to express feelings safely, in a non-judgemental environment, where everyone can be heard. The groups are here for parents, spouses, siblings – indeed any adult family member of a veteran or a UK serving personnel who feels they would like support.
www.theripplepond.orgSSAFA – Bedfordshire
SSAFA provides lifelong support to anyone who is currently serving or has ever served in the Royal Navy, British Army or Royal Air Force.
08005 003063
Website with the Wounded – Head Start
Walking With The Wounded supports a pathway for vulnerable veterans to re-integrate back into society and sustain their independence. At the heart of this journey is employment. It is like an IAPT service but for veterans, with virtually no waiting time – up to 12 sessions of face to face counselling.
Page published: 15 November 2024
Last updated: 15 November 2024