
How to book an appointment

You can make an appointment in the following ways:

Automated phone booking

This is a very simple and effective system. No registration is required.

Simply contact the surgery and when asked choose option two. You will be asked for your date of birth, and your phone number.

If these match your details we have on record you will be offered the first available appointment – date, time, surgery, clinician.

If this is not suitable you can scroll through (next, first, last etc) until you find one you like.

Prescribing practitioners

If your condition can be treated by our prescribing practitioner or one of our practice nurses, you will get an earlier appointment. If you are comfortable describing your condition to the receptionist they will guide you, but if there is any doubt, they will book a GP appointment.

You can, of course, ask to see the GP of your choice, but all are highly skilled and all have access to your complete medical record. You will get an earlier appointment if you are willing to see any of our GPs.

Cancelling appointments

If you cannot attend please let us know, using any of the methods used to book. If you cancel you will not be flagged as ‘did not attend’, and we can offer that appointment to another patient.